
Adding Video to Portfolio Item

You can add YouTube or Vimeo videos to each photo in the portfolio item. To add video follow these steps: 1. Create or edit existing Portfolio Item 2. In items...

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Filtered Portfolio Items Page

You have the option to separate portfolio items and categorize them depending on their properties, and the supported filter attributes are: Category and Item ids. To create filtered portfolio items...

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Other Options

There are also few options that can make your portfolio different. Below you will learn more about them:

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Category filtering

Using this feature you can enable or disable category filtering with JavaScript. This feature is not applied if you browse portfolio items with any predefined filter or in Portfolio category...

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You can support this feature when the item is hovered it will display number of likes and the “heart” icon which allow users to click it: To enable or disable...

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Pagination Type

There are two types of pagination in Portfolio page: 1. Normal Pagination Its simple pagination, so everything will be loaded as the new “request”. Category filtering is applied only for...

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Portfolio Layout & Columns

There are four types of layouts and three variants of columns for portfolio:   To change the number of columns, select the first item in Appearance > Theme Options >...

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