Backup, restore or transfer Theme Options

This article will show you how you can backup, restore, or transfer your Theme Options. This option comes in hand when you want to activate Child Theme after you have done a lot of job on your site or if you have transferred your site and you don’t want to choose the same settings again on Theme Options.

Backing Up Theme Options

  1. Go to Laborator > Theme Options > Backup Options
  2. Copy theme options data and save them to a file i.e. options.txt (see show)
  3. You can also save backup on your site by clicking Backup Options


Restoring Theme Options

  1. Go to Laborator > Theme Options > Backup Options
  2. Paste contents of options.txt inside text area  and click Import Options (see how)
  3. Or if you want to restore the previous options just click Restore Options and latest backup will be applied


Transferring Theme Options

Theme options can be transferred from site A to site B (or from your Main to Child Theme, or vic versa) which will save you lot of time.

Transferring process firstly requires to copy current theme options on site A, then go to site B and paste that base 64 encoded text and click Import Options.

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