Compiling LESS to CSS

Changing LESS files will not affect the theme style until you compile them to CSS. So after each change you make, you must compile bootstrap.less and xenon.less (or separated files of xenon.less – core, forms, components and skins)


In case if you make changes to assets/less/bs-less/ files you have only to compile bootstrap.less and if you make changes to assets/less/other-less/ or  assets/less/xenon-less/ you only need to compile xenon.less (or separated files of xenon.less).


When compiling the files via LESS compiler you must set Output file path to assets/css/{file-name}.css 


How do I compile these files?

If you are a Mac user, I prefer you to use one of these apps to compile LESS files:


If you are Windows user then use any of these plugins:

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