
Shop Settings

We have developed many options for the shop page, as you see in the image you can just show or hide the options by ticking them, the shop settings are...

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Shop Sidebar

Select the position of the sidebar, you can position it on the Left, on the Right or you can Hide it all. Do this by going to Laborator > Shop Settings and then head to Shop Sidebar.

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Sharing Options

Sharing options are located in  Laborator > Shop Settings and then head to Product Sharing. When switching the toggle to No  the Share Product Networks will be hidden, when Allowing Share  you can select which social network you...

  • 2300


Select how many rows to show in the Pagination per page. Also you can select how many products to show on the related products, below the item.

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Single Item Settings

Single Item has many options to enable or disable the options you can enable or disable by simply ticking them are Full Screen Preview Sale Ribbon Next-Prev Navigation Item Category...

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