When we added the shop into Kalium, we had in mind that the products of the shop should be the primary element a visitor should see so we have tried to keep the minimalism on the theme and maintain the whole focus on the products. The shop has four types of product thumbnail layouts you can select from (see how they look):
- Default
- Full Background
- Distanced Background
- Minimal
To select any of them, please follow the instructions as illustrated in the image above or the steps here:
- Navigate through Laborator > Theme Options
- Click on Shop Settings
- Select Catalog Page from the tabs
- Choose any of the layouts by clicking on the layout thumbnail.
Catalog Options
- Shop head title and results count — Show or hide the Shop title and description.
- Product sorting in catalog page — Untick if you want to hide the product sorting.
- Show sale badge — Show/hide Sale badge in the shop/product page.
- Show out of stock badge — Show/hide Out of Stock badge in the shop/product page.
- Show featured badge — Show/hide Featured badge in the shop/product page.
- Show product category — Show/hide product categories.
- Show product price — Show/hide item price if there is a price set.
- Add to cart product — Allow products to be added in the cart.
- Enable catalog mode — Visitors can view products, but adding products to cart is disabled.
- Catalog mode — This will show only if the option above is ticked, and if enabled it will hide the products prices too.
- Products Grid Layout — Choose between Fit rows or Fit gaps (Masonry).
- Products to show in mobile devices — Select whether you want to show one or two products per row in mobile devices.
- Product thumbnail preview type* — What to do on the image mouseover, options available are Second Image on Hover, Product Gallery Slider or None. *this option is available only for the Default layout.
Shop Sidebar
- Shop sidebar visibility — Show/hide or set the sidebar to the left or right for Shop page.
Product Categories
- Set the number of columns for product categories — Select how many columns of products you want to show when viewing the product categories.
- Category Image Size — Set the image size of the categories, if you set another size besides thumbnail, medium, large and original don’t forget to regenerate your thumbnails.
Product Columns & Rows
From the Kalium 3.3, those options can now be found in the Appearance > Customize area.
WooCommerce 3.3 introduces native options for setting up the number of rows and columns for the shop page. You may be used to find these under Theme Options > Shop Settings > Catalog Page those were the theme options and in the latest version, we’ve removed those to avoid duplicating what is now a WooCommerce core setting. You will find the new options under Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Catalog.
Pagination has the same options as in other parts of the site like blog or portfolio, see how to set up the pagination.